JAMB 2023

This is a reminder regarding circular
No. JAMB/ADMS/ DO/192/V.I, dated July 31, 2024, addressed the termination of the condonement process for illegal admissions without registration numbers. In that circular, the Board requested that institutions declare such candidates by August 31, 2024. This marked the first phase of the exercise, and a subsequent deadline for registration and completion of the condonement process will be announced.
We are now entering the second phase of the exercise, which pertains to the condonement of illegal admissions for candidates with registration numbers. The Board has the necessary details and records for these candidates from earlier registrations.

To ensure concurrent implementation of the irregular admission, institutions are required to disclose the following through the CAPS mail within one (1) month, starting September 1, 2024:

1. All candidates admitted illegally prior to 2017, who have previous JAMB registration numbers.

2. All students admitted during the 2017-2020 period under the Condonement of Undisclosed Illegal Institutional Admissions (CUIIA), who also have JAMB registration numbers and were not included in previous declarations made by institutions.

The final deadline for all these disclosures is September 30, 2024. After this date, no further declarations will be accepted.
The Board would like to emphasize that any admissions granted during the specified periods (pre-2017 and
2017-2020) will no longer be recognized or condoned unless disclosed within this one-month window. Only students listed in the declared submissions will be permitted to register with the board.

A deadline for the completion of all condonement processes will be established.

These measures are implemented to address previously abused admission windows while reaffirming that CAPS remains the sole authorized platform for admissions.

Institutions are strongly advised to adhere to these guidelines.

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