Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into regular postgraduate programmes of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka for the 2024/2025 academic session, leading to the award of Postgraduate Diplomas, Master’s and Doctorate degrees in the following Departments and Institutes/Centre:
PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D. programmes
- Department of Agricultural Economics
Farm Management and Production Economics; Agricultural Marketing and Agri-business; Agricultural Finance and Project Analysis; Agricultural Cooperative and Resources; Environmental Economics.
The Department of Agricultural Economics also offers PGD programme in Co-operative Studies; Farm Management and Production Economics; Agribusiness and Marketing.
Departments of Food Science and Technology, Crop Science, Animal Science, Agricultural Extension and Soil Science, offer Postgraduate Diploma Programmes.
- Department of Animal Science
Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry; Animal Production; Animal Physiology; Animal Breeding and Genetics.
- Department of Crop Science
PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D.
Crop Physiology Economic Entomology; Crop Production; Forage Crops; Hematology; Ornamental Horticulture; Plant Breeding and Genetics; Plant Pathology; Tropical Fruits and Plantation Crops; Vegetable Crops; Weed Science.
- Department of Agricultural Extension
Agricultural Administration; Agricultural Communication; Agricultural Extension Education; Agricultural Planning and Evaluation; Rural Sociology.
- Department of Food Science and Technology
PGD, M.Sc, Ph.D
Food Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biotechnology; Animal Products Technology; Plant Products Technology; Food Quality Control and Assurance; Food Processing and Storage Technology; Food Microbiology and Biotechnology; Food Engineering; Brewing Science and Technology.
- Department of Home Science
PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D. programmes
Family and Child Studies; Home Management (Family Resource Management); Hospitality and Institutional Management; Interior Decoration and Design; Food and Nutrition; Textile, Clothing and Fashion Design.
- Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes
Dietetics; Community and Public Health Nutrition; Human and Experimental Nutrition
- Department of Soil Science
Soil Genesis Survey and Classification;Remote Sensing, Environmental Impact Assessment and Land Evaluation; Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy; Soil Fertility and Management; Soil Physics and Conservation; Soil Biology and Biochemistry.
PGD, M.A. and Ph.D. degree programmes
- Department of Archaeology and Tourism (PGD, M.A. and Ph.D. Programmes)
Paleolithic Studies; Iron Age Archaeology; Origins of Food Production and Urbanization; and Cultural Resource Management (Museum or Tourism Option).
- Department of English and Literary Studies (PGD, M.A and Ph.D.)
English as a second Language (ESL); English Language; Literature; and Comparative Studies and Literature; Oral Literature.
- Department of Fine and Applied Arts
Ph.D. Art History; Ph.D. Art Education; Ph.D. Art Administration and Management; Ph.D. Fine Arts and Design (with specialization in Painting, Print Making; Sculpture-Visual Communication Design; Textile Design; Fashion Design; Ceramics).
M.F.A. with specialization in Painting; Print Making; Sculpture; Textile Design; Fashion Design; Ceramics; Communication Art and Design (Options: Graphic Design and Advertizing; Product Design; Web Design and New Media); Film Making and Photography.
M.A. Art History: Traditional African Art; Modern African Art; Asian Oriental Art; African-American Art.
M.A. Art Education; M.A. Art Administration and Management
PGD in Fine and Applied Arts.
- Department of Foreign Languages and Literary Studies (MA programme)
African Literature in French; Caribbean Literature in French; Russian Language; Translation.
The Department also offers Ph.D programmes in the following areas of specialization:
African Literature in French; Caribbean Literature in French; German Literature.
- Department of History and International Studies (PGD, M.A. and Ph.D.)
Political History; Economic History; Social History; International Studies
- Department of Linguistics, Igbo and Other Nigerian Languages (M.A, Ph.D)
Linguistics; African Languages; Literature in African Languages; and Translation and Interpretation).
The Department offers Ph.D. in the following areas of specialization:
Linguistics; African Languages and Literature.
- Department of Mass Communication
PGD, M.A and Ph.D.
Multimedia and Journalism; Broadcasting/Electronic Media; Public Relations; Advertising and Marketing Communications; Communication Advocacy; Development Communication; Population Communication.
- Department of Music
Postgraduate Diploma in Music (PGDM):
African Music Industry; Ensemble/Theatre Directing and Management; Music Education; Research; Composition and Musical Instrument Technology.
MA Degree Programme:
Ensemble/Theatre Directing and Management; Music Education; Research; Composition and Musical Instrument Technology.
Ph.D Degree Programme in the following areas:
African Music; Music Education; Composition; Musicology; Music Performance and Musical Instrument Technology; Ensemble/Theatre Directing and Management; Research and Musical Instrument Technology.
- Department of Theatre and Film Studies
(M.A and Ph.D.
Acting and Directing; Dramatic Theory and Criticism; Applied Theatre; Playwriting; African and Caribbean Drama and Theatre; Film and Media Arts Studies; Performance Studies; Scenography; Theatre and Cultural Administration.
- Department of Chemo-Immunopharmacology
M.Sc, Ph.D and MD
Chemotherapeutics of Infectious Diseases; Chemotherapeutics of Cancer; Immuno-therapeutics of Cancer, Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases.
- Department of Clinical Toxicology and Forensic Pharmacology
M.Sc, Ph.D and MD
Clinical Toxicology or Forensic Pharmacology
- Department of Ethnopharmacology and Traditional Medicine
PGD, M.Sc and Ph.D
Ethnopharmacology and Traditional Medicine
- Department of Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacoepidemiology
M.Sc and Ph.D
Pharmacoeconomics; Pharmacoepidemiology
- Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics
M.Sc, Ph.D and MD degree programmes.
Pharmacology; Toxicology; Statistics; Epidemiology
M.Sc and Ph.D degree programmes in following Departments:
- Department of Human Anatomy
Gross Anatomy; Neuroanatomy; Histology; Embryology; Reproductive Technologies; Anatomical Science Education; Forensic Biology; Cell Biology; Biological Anthropology.
- Human Physiology
Blood; Cardiovascular System; Renal Physiology; Endocrinology; Reproduction; Developmental Programming; Neurophysiology.
- Medical Biochemistry
Biochemical and Molecular Parasitology; Enzymology; Micronutrients and Molecular Toxicology; Molecular Nutrition and Food Research; and Clinical Biochemistry.
M.Sc. and Ph.D. programmes in the following Departments:
- Department of Biochemistry
Environmental Biochemistry; Enzymology; Industrial Biochemistry& Biotechnology; Medical Biochemistry; Nutritional Biochemistry; Molecular Biology; Pharmacological Biochemistry;ProteinChemistry; Lipid Biochemistry; Plant Biochemistry.
- Department of Microbiology
Brewing Science and Technology (PGD); Medical Microbiology (M.Sc. and Ph.D.); Environmental Microbiology (M.Sc. and Ph.D.); Food/Industrial Microbiology (M.Sc. and Ph.D.); and Brewing Science and Technology (M.Sc).
- Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology
PGD, M.Sc and Ph.D
Biosystematic/Taxonomy; Palynology/Palaeoecology; Plant Anatomy; Plant Physiology; Ecophysiology; Plant Pathology/Mycology; Genetics and Plant Breeding; Plant Ecology; Environmental Botany/Economic Botany; Plant Biotechnology; Algal Biotechnology; Fungal Biotechnology; Bagel Biotechnology; Aquatic Botany; Phycology/Limnology (Aquatic Ecology); and Ethnomedicine/ Phytomedicine.
- Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology
(M.Sc. and (Ph.D.)
Animal and Environme; Parasitology and Public Health; Entomology and Forensic Sciences; Fishery Science and Aquaculture; Hydrobiology/Aquatic Sciences; Ecology and Environmental Biology; Animal Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
PGD, MBA, M.Sc and Ph.D. programmes
- Department of Accountancy
Financial Accounting; Management Accounting, Auditing and Investigation; Taxation Laws and Accounts; Public Sector Accounting; Management Information System.
- Department of Banking and Finance
Banking; Finance
M.Sc and Ph.D
Finance; Banking and Credit Risk Management; Banking/Finance and Economic Development; Risk Management in Financial Institutions.
- Department of Management
Administrative Theory and Practice; Human Resources Management; Production and Operations Management; Analytical Techniques; Corporate Strategy and Business Policy; Project Management and Feasibility Analysis; and Comparative Management Systems.
- Department of Marketing
Marketing Communications; Physical Distribution and Channel Management; Industrial Marketing; Consumer-Buyer Behaviour; and International Marketing, Strategic Marketing. The Department of Marketing also offers executive M.Sc. degree programme in Public Relations.
PGDE, PGDL, M.Ed. and Ph.D. degree programmes in the following Departments:
- Department of Adult Education & Extra Mural Studies
Adult Education Administration; Community Development; Extension & Distance Education.
- Department of Arts Education
Curriculum Studies; Language Education; Educational Technology; Comparative & International Education; Music Education; Fine & Applied Arts Education; Moral Education; Religious Education.
- The Department of Educational Foundations
Educational Psychology; History of Education; Philosophy of Education; Sociology of Education; Special Education; Educational Administration and Planning
- Department of Early Childhood and Primary Education
M.Ed and Ph.D
Early Childhood Education; Primary Education
- Department of Counselling and Human Development Studies
M.Ed and Ph.D
Guidance and Counselling; Mental Health and Rehabilitation Counselling; Employment and Human Resources Development Counselling; School Counselling; Family and Marriage Counselling; Pastoral Counselling.
- Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education
Public Health Education; School Health Education; Mental and Emotional Health Education; Occupational and Industrial Health Education; Administration and Management of Physical Education and Sports; Curriculum and Physical Education Teacher Education; Psychology of Sports; Sociology of Sports; Recreation and Tourism; Exercise Physiology; Adapted Physical Education. For PGD: (a) Health Education (PGDHE); (b) Human Kinetics and Sports Studies (PGDHKS).
- Department of Library & Information Science
PGDL, M.L.S and Ph.D. Degree Programmes
- Department of Science Education
Educational Research Methodology; Mathematics Education; Physics Education; Chemistry Education; Biology Education; Measurement & Evaluation, and Integrated Science Education.
PGD Science Education with the following options:
Biology Option; Chemistry Option; Integrated Science Option; Mathematics Option and Physics Option.
- Department of Social Science Education
Economics Education; Political Science Education; Population & Family Life Education; Geographical & Environmental Education; and Social Studies Education.
Postgraduate Diploma programmes in the Faculty of Education are domiciled as follows: (PGDE) in Educational Foundations; PGDL in Library & Information Science; Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Education domiciled in the Department of Social Science Education.
M.Sc., M.Engr. And Ph.D. degree programmes in the following Departments:
- Department of Agricultural & Bioresources Engineering:
(M.Engr and Ph.D)
Power Systems, Machinery and Mechatronic Engineering; Soil and Water Resources Engineering; Food and Bioprocess Engineering; Structures and Environmental Control Engineering; Biomass and Renewable Energy Engineering; Aqua Cultural Engineering; Forest Engineering; Ecological Engineering.
- Department of Civil Engineering
(PGDCE, M.Sc., M.Engr, Ph.D)
Structural Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Water Resources Engineering; Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering; Materials & Construction; and Highway Engineering.
- Department of Electrical Engineering
(M.Engr. and Ph.D)
Power Electronics, Drives and New System; Electrical Machine and Drives; Electromagnetic Fields and Application; Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering; and Automatic Control Systems.
- Department of Electronic Engineering
(M.Sc, M.Engr and Ph.D)
Communications; Digital and Computer Electronics. Currently, the Department of Electronics Engineering has no facilities in the area of Control Systems.
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
(PGD, M.Sc., M.Engr., Ph.D.)
Materials Technology and Mechanics; Fluid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics; Design and Production Technology; Industrial Engineering and Management.
- Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
(PGD, M.Sc, M.Engr., Ph.D)
Chemical/Process Metallurgy (Minerals Processing, Extraction of Metals, Corrosion, Metallurgical Process Development, Modern Coating)
Physical/Mechanical Metallurgy (Welding, Failure Analysis, Heat Treatment of Metals, Metal Working, Fracture Mechanism, Dislocation Mechanism)
Materials Engineering (Nano-Technology, Composites, Polymer, Biomaterials, Nuclear Materials, Ceramics and Refractory, Electronic and Magnetic Materials)
The Departments of Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering offer PGD programmes.
M.Sc., M.Arch.and Ph.D. Programmes in the following Departments:
- Departments of Architecture
Architectural Design; Architectural Science and Technology; Housing; Construction Management; Architectural History and Theory; Sustainable Design; Architectural Conservation; Architectural Practice and Management; Industrial Design; Landscape Architecture Design; Urban Design, Computer Aided Design/Technology and Media Architecture and Interior Design.
- Department of Estate Management
(PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Master in Real Estate (MRE) Programmes)
Valuation; Feasibility/Viability Appraisals; Taxation, Facility and Property Management; Development and Utilization and Land Resources inclusive of Estate and Interests tread as strongly rooted in Philosophical and Socio-economic foundations of their Relationship to man, society and environment.
- Department of Geoinformatics & Surveying
(PGD, M.Sc., MGIT and Ph.D.)
Land Surveying; Geodesy; Protogrammetry; Remote Sensing; Hydrography; Cartography; Geographic Information System (GIS); Land Information Management (LIM).
- Department of Urban & Regional Planning
(M.Sc, MURP and Ph.D.)
Traffic and Transportation Planning; Tourism Planning and Development; Conservation/Preservation; Housing and Community Development; Recreation Facility Planning; Social Services and Planning; Regional/Rural Development Planning; Land Use and Development control; Urban Design; Environmental Planning and Management.
- Department of Health Administration & Management
PGD, M.Sc and Ph.D
Health Economics; Health Management & Policy.
- Department of Medical Laboratory Science
PGD, M.Sc and Ph.D
Clinical Chemistry; Hematology; Histopathology; Microbiology; and Immunology.
- Department of Medical Radiography & Radiological Sciences
PGD, M.Sc and Ph.D
Medical Imaging with options in;
- Medical Ultrasound
- Computerized Tomography(CT)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Nuclear medicine
- Conventional Radiography
Radiation Therapy and Oncology; Radiation and Environmental Protection; Radiography Education; Radiology Administration and Management.
- Department of Medical Rehabilitation
M.Sc M.Sc/Ph.D and Ph.D
Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy; Neurological Physiotherapy; Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy; Exercise and Sports Physiotherapy; Women’s Health Physiotherapy; Paediatric Physiotherapy; Community Physiotherapy.
- Department of Nursing Sciences
M.Sc and Ph.D
Maternal & Child Health Nursing; Medical Surgical Nursing; Mental Health & Psychiatric Nursing; Nursing Administration & Management; Community Health Nursing; and Nursing Education.
LL.M. and Ph.D. Degree programmes in the following Departments:
- Department of Commercial and Corporate Law
LL.M and Ph.D degree programmes in the following areas: Law of Business Organization; Banking; Investment and Capital Market; Law of Commercial Transaction; Insurance Law; and Maritime.
- Department of Customary and Indigenous Law
LL.M and Ph.D degree progrqmmes in the following areas: Customary Jurisprudence; Customary Property Law; Indigenous Peoples in International Law.
- International and Corporate Law
LL.M degree programmes in the following areas: Public and International Law; Law of International Institutions; International Environmental Law; International Economic Law; International Human Rights Law; and International Criminal Law.
- Department of Jurisprudence and Legal Theory
LL.M and Ph.D degree programmes in the following areas:
Jurisprudence and Legal Theory; Comparative Constitutionalism; International Criminal Law and Theory; Law and Development.
- Department of Private Law
LL.M and Ph.D degree programmes in the following areas:
Laws Governing the Private Practice of Law, Civil Proceedings and Allied Professional Concerns; The Regulation of Private Investments, the Capital Market and Industrial Relations; Laws Pertaining to Personal and Familial Relations; International Business Law & Institutions; Private Law Theory
- Department of Property Law
LL.M and Ph.D degree programmes in the following areas:
Property and Fiscal Law; Law of International Finance and Commerce; Law of Corporations, Governance and Dispute Settlement
- Department of Public Law
LL.M and Ph.D degree programmes in the following areas:
Administrative Law; Comparative Constitutional Law; Human Rights Law; Health Law and Policy; Humanitarian Law; Advanced Criminal Law.
- Department of Community Medicine
MPH degree programme is offered by the Department of Community Medicine in the following areas of specialization:
Epidemiology; Biostatistics & Population Studies; Health Care Studies; General Preventive & Health Communication Studies; Primary Health Care and Nutrition Studies.
- Department of Pharmacology &Therapeutics
M.Sc, Ph.D and MDdegree programmes.
Pharmacology; Toxicology; Statistics; Epidemiology
- Department of Medicine
M.Sc. and MD (Doctor of Medicine) are offered by the Department of Medicine in the following areas of specialization:
MD degree in Cardiology; Nephrology; Neurology; Endocrinology; Gastroenterology; Respiratory Medicine (Pulmonology); Rheumatology; Infectious Diseases; Clinical Pharmacology/Therapeutics and Dermatology.
M.Sc. degree in Cardiology; Nephrology; Neurology; Endocrinology; Gastroenterology; Respiratory Medicine (Pulmonology); Rheumatology; Infectious Diseases; Clinical Pharmacology/Therapeutics and Dermatology.
- Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Management
M.Pharm and Ph.D
Pharmaceutical Services e.g. drug information services; Pharmacotherapy of various units e.g. oncology, cardiovascular, neurology; Ambulatory Care/Adult Medicine; Clinical Pharmacokinetics/biopharmaceutics; Hospital Pharmacy; Pharmaceutical care; Social Pharmacy/Behavioural Pharmacy; Pediatric Pharmacy; Hematology; Pharmacy Practice Management; Infectious Diseases; Public Health Pharmacy; Pharmacoeconomics/ Pharmacoepidemicology; Social Pharmacy/Behavioural Pharmacy; Pediatric Pharmacy; Hematology; Pharmacy Management; and Infectious Diseases.
- Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
- Pharm, M.Sc and Ph.D
Natural Products Chemistry; Drug Metabolism; and Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
- Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology
PGD, M. Pharm, M.Sc, Ph.D Programmes
Fermentation and General Pharmaceutical Microbiology; Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; Genetics and Immunology; Sterilization and Disinfection; Microbial Ecology; Sterile Products Formulation; Chemotherapy
- Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy
- Pharm and Ph.D Programmes
Powder and Tablet Technology; Dispersed Systems and Semi-Solids; Bipharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics; Parenteral Dosage form Technology; Industrial Pharmacy.
- Department of Pharmaceutics
M.Sc, M.Pharm and Ph.D Programmes
Physical Pharmaceutics; Compounding; Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Biotechnology; Dispensing; and Pharmacy practices.
- Department of Pharmacognosy and Environmental Medicine
M.Pharm, M.Sc, Ph.D Programmes in the following areas:
Phytochemistry; Biomedicinal Chemistry; Ethnobotany; Phytopharmacology; Drug Evaluation and Quality Control
- Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
M.Pharm, M.Sc and Ph.D Programmes
Autonomic Pharmacology; Neuropharmacology; Biochemical Pharmacology; Chemotherapy; Clinical Pharmacology; Toxicology; Cardiovascular Pharmacology; Natural product Pharmacology; General Pharmacology.
- Department of Computer Science
M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree programmes
Systems Engineering; Software Engineering; Artificial Intelligence; Computer Networks; Theoretical Computer Science; Data communication
- Department of Geology
(M.Sc. and Ph.D programmes in the following areas):
Economic Geology and Geochemistry; Engineering Geology/Environmental Geology; Applied Geophysics; Hydrogeology/Environmental Geology; Mineralogy and Petrology; Palaeontology and Biostratigraphy; Petroleum Geoscience; Stratigraphy and Sedimentology; Structural Geology.
- Department of Physics & Astronomy
M.Sc and Ph.D Programmes
Condensed Matter Physics; Medical Physics; Theoretical High Energy Physics; Solid Earth Geophysics; Astronomy; Atmospheric Physics; Solar Energy Physics/ Materials Science.
- Department of Pure & Industrial Chemistry
M.Sc and Ph.D Programmes
Inorganic Chemistry; Physical and Theoretical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Fossil Fuel (Petroleum, Coal and Natural gas) Chemistry; Polymer Chemistry; Industrial Chemistry; Environmental Chemistry
- Department of Mathematics
M.Sc and Ph.D Programmes
Pure Mathematics; Applied Mathematics
- Department of Statistics
M.Sc and Ph.D Programmes
Probability; Inference; Design of Experiments/Analysis; Sample Survey/Demography; Stochastic Processes/Time Series; Statistical Computing
- Department of Economics
PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D degree programmes in:
Economic Theory; Econometrics; Monetary Economics; Labour and Industrial Economics; International Economics; Development Economics; Mathematical Economics; Operations Research; Petroleum and Energy Economics; Finance and Public Sector Economics; Environmental Economics; Health Economics.
- Department of Geography
PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D degree programmes in:
Agricultural Geography; Biogeography; Cartography; Climatology/Physical Oceanography; Environmental Management; Geographic Information Systems; Geomorphology; Hydrology and Water Resources; Industrial Geography; Political Geography; Population Geography; Remote Sensing; Rural Geography; Transportation Geography and Urban Geography.
- Departments of Philosophy
PGD, M.A. and Ph.D degree programmes in:
Political and Social Philosophy; Western Metaphysics; Ethics/Moral Philosophy; Epistemology ; History of Western Philosophy; African Philosophy; Jurisprudence/Philosophy of Law.
Metaphysics; Epistemology; Moral Philosophy/Ethics; History of Western Philosophy; African Philosophy; Political and Social Philosophy; Philosophy of Law and Jurisprudence
- Department of Political Science
PGD, PGDEA, M.Sc and Ph.D. Programmes in:
Political Theory; Public Administration; Comparative Politics; Electoral Studies; International Relations; Political Economy; Conflict, Peace and Strategic Studies; Human Security and Counter-Terrorism Studies. PGDEA is Postgraduate Diploma in Election Administration.
- Department of Psychology
M.Sc. & Ph.D. Programmes in:
Experimental Psychology; Developmental Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Industrial/Organizational Psychology; Social Psychology; School Psychology;and Counseling Psychology.
- Department of Public Administration and Local Government
PGD, MPA, M.Sc., DPA & Ph.D. degree programmes.
Financial Management; International Administration; Local Government and Human Resources Management
PGD and M.Sc in Social Policy
- Department of Religion & Cultural Studies
PGD, M.A. and Ph.D degree programmes
Old Testament; New Testament; Church History; African Traditional Religion; Religion and Society; Religion and Conflict Resolution.
- Department of Sociology/Anthropology
M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree programmesin the following areas:
Anthropology; Anthropology and Development; Climate Change and Society; Comparative Ethnography; Criminology and Sociology of Deviance; Culture and Communication; Demography and Population Studies; Environmental Sociology; Family Studies; Gender and Women Studies; Industrial and Labour Relations; Industrial Sociology; Medical Anthropology; Medical Sociology; Military Sociology and Diplomacy; Oral Tradition and Sociology; Organizational Sociology; Political Anthropology; Political Sociology; Postcolonial Studies; Rural Sociology; Security Studies; Social Development Studies; Social Institutions; Symbolic Anthropology; Urban Anthropology; Urban Sociology.
The Department of Sociology/Anthropology offers PGD programme in the following areas:
Criminology; Gender and Women Studies; Industrial and Labour Relations; Social Development Studies.
- Department of Social Work
PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D Programmes in:
Social Gerontology; Community Development; Medical Social Work; Social Policy/Industrial Social Work; Social Work Administration; Family Social Work; Psychiatric Social Work; Clinical Social Work; School Social Work.
M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree programmes in the following Departments:
- Department of Veterinary Anatomy
M.Sc and Ph.D Programmes in:
Neuroanatomy; Developmental Anatomy Embryology; Microscopic Anatomy (Histology); Gross and Comparative Anatomy; Immunochemistry; Histochemistry; and Applied Anatomy and Biotechnology.
- Department of Animal Health and Production
(M.Sc. and Ph.D. Degree Programmes)
Large Ruminant Health and Production; Small Ruminant Health and Management; Dairy Animal Health and Production; Nutrition in Health and Disease; Swine Health and Production; Poultry Health and Management; Animal Genetics and Breeding; Animal Health Management and Economics; Nutrition and Biotechnology; Fishery, Zoo and Micro livestock.
- Department of Veterinary Medicine
(M.Sc., and Ph.D. Degree Programmes)
Avian Medicine; Ruminant Medicine; Small Animal Medicine; Swine Medicine; Equine Medicine; Fish Medicine; Laboratory and Wildlife Medicine; Ethnoveterinary Medicine.
- Department of Veterinary Obstetrics & Reproductive Diseases
M.Sc and Ph.D Programmes in:
Veterinary Andrology; Gynaecology; Obstetrics and Reproductive Biotechnology.
- Department of Veterinary Parasitology and Entomology
(M.Sc., and Ph.D. Degree Programmes)
Veterinary Helminthology; Veterinary Protozoology; Veterinary Entomology
- Department of Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology
(M.Sc., and Ph.D. Degree Programmes)
(i) Veterinary Pathology: Diagnostic (Anatomic) Pathology; (Clinical Pathology (Haematology and Clinical Chemistry); Avian Pathology; Nutritional Pathology.
(ii) Veterinary Microbiology: Bacteriology; Virology; Mycology; Micoplasmology and Rickettsiology; and Immunology.
- Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology
(M.Sc and Ph.D programmes)
Veterinary Biochemistry, Veterinary Pharmacology, Veterinary Physiology and Veterinary Toxicology
- Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine
(M.Sc., MVPH, MPVM and Ph.D. Degree Programmes)
Veterinary Public Health; Preventive Veterinary Medicine; Veterinary Epidemiology
- Department of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology
M.Sc., and Ph.D. degree programmes
Veterinary Anaesthesiology; Veterinary soft tissue surgery; Veterinary Orthopaedics and Lameness; Veterinary Radiology; Veterinary Ultrasonology and other diagnostic Imaging; Veterinary Oncology and Nuclear Medicine; Veterinary Dentistry and Dental technology