The attention of the Management of the University of Ilorin has been drawn to a social media news report on a planned protest by a group of former students of the University with respect to some convocation items they are expected to have. These are their personal effects and necessary commemoratory mementos for the successful completion of their programmes in the University.

It is rather unfortunate that the generation of the concerned graduands, instead of demonstrating knowledge of the prevailing economic reality in the country and appreciating the good disposition of the University management in arriving at this rate, which is the lowest possible, chose to toe this untidy path. This action is rather misguided.

For the avoidance of doubts and for record purpose, members of the public and our former students should note that:

  1. This matter is about graduands and indeed, convocation ceremonies;
  2. The rates attached to the items are the least and indeed the lowest available in the light of the economic realities of the country;
  3. It is not in our character at the University of Ilorin to exploit;
  4. The University has always been very considerate in fixing its charges, which remain the cheapest among public universities in the country;
  5. The University reserves the right to determine what materials are necessary and at the most reasonable rates for its students or graduands;
  6. Our graduands, are worthy in character and learning, and would always live above board with the display of sound knowledge of the prevailing economic situation in the country.
  7. A few misguided individuals have taken to the social media and behind this unpopular protest for whatever primordial and selfish reasons while a large number of our graduands already paid for the items and Convocation.

Kunle Akogun,
Director, Corporate Affairs,
17th October, 2023

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